
Feb 17, 2016

I wake up to the sound of rain on the roof of our tent. The world around me is emerald green and steaming wet; the air alive with birdsong. It's our last day on Great Keppel Island.

I have much to be thankful for.

Being in this moment. Experiencing this beauty. Appreciating the miracle that is nature. Here on the island, we drink fresh rain water and cook simple food in a communal kitchen. It doesn't take long to slow down to the pace of island life.

For many years I've been telling my clients - those who are anxious, depressed, or stressed out of their minds - to spend more time in nature. For its rejuvenating and restorative power, communing with nature is my most treasured spiritual practice.

I'm torn between wanting to stay here for a few more days, and returning home where I will reconnect with our Soulwoman Sanctuary community members who bless me with their warmth, wisdom and grace every day. I can't wait to share stories and insights gained... at least I have something to look forward to upon leaving our island haven.

Natural beauty feeds my soul - and I hunger for it all the time. I crave slowing down to the beat of the natural world, where my body's rhythms tune in to the natural rhythm of the earth, making its way around the sun, without hurry.

I wonder about the human folly to build barriers against communing with nature: the high walls that keep beauty out; technologies that occupy our time and space and attention; all that's artificial and complex and oh, so busy. We live in a world governed by the clock. We don't listen to our bodies anymore. We don't notice how our cells are crying out for silence and simplicity and beauty.

Here, in a simple tent, I'm reconnecting with contentment. Harmony reigns. I eat when my body tells me its hungry and I sleep when my body feels tired. I celebrate the sun as much as the stars, the rain as much as the heat of the day. I can't help but smile at the fat, black chicken happily scratching for insects in the beach sand outside the tent. I marvel at the tiny yellow hummingbirds playing hide-and-seek in the leaves above my head.

When surrounded by so much serenity, such naturalness and ease, it's hard to obsess about my weight, or the state of politics, or how much (or little) I have in my bank account. In fact, as I often say to my life partner,

Right here, right now, we would have to try very hard to be unhappy...

My bag is packed and I'm ready to meet the ferry that will transfer me to the main land. I feel newly connected to all-that-is; my energy stores are refuelled and I'm quietly, deeply happy.

It dawns on me of course, and not for the first time, how we really don't need much to be happy. For me, it's the green of trees, the sound of the ocean, a cup of coffee with coconut milk, my journal and a pen - and the sure knowledge that I'm loved.

How blessed am I!

Please leave a comment and let me know your favorite ways of communing with nature.

Let’s create miracles together!

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