Your Archetype is...


"And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair”
- Khalil Gibran

Regardless of your unique personality or stage of life, studying archetypes can give valuable insight into your own strengths, challenges, and subconscious beliefs. Archetypes can hold up a mirror to our inner workings, allowing us to understand things on a deeper level, and finally take charge of our own destiny. You may notice that you naturally hold up the pattern of a particular archetype in your work life, or in your romantic life. You may also notice that you have an archetype or two that only become dominant in certain situations. You likely also have preconceived ideas or judgments about some of these archetypes, and these learned biases may also influence your behaviors. Working with this psychological philosophy can be very eye-opening!

Probably the most common or largest embodiment of the mother archetype in mythology is Gaia or the Earth Mother. Nearly every belief system in existence has some kind of feminine, maternal deity that is tied to the earth. Other representations of the earth mother archetype include: Mother/Virgin Mary, Bast, Kali Ma, Tara, Bona Dea, Brigit, Demeter, Frigga, Isis, and Yemaya. In some depictions, the mother archetype is the keeper of secrets and wisdom, similar to the sage or mystic archetype. Other times, the earth mother may appear similar to the queen or shaman. She is capable of holding many different energies and traits at once, and for this reason, the earth mother is one of the most dominant archetypes.


The Earth Mother at a Glance

If your archetype is the Earth Mother, the following characteristics apply to you:

  • kindness
  • awareness
  • softness
  • empathy
  • patience
  • humility
  • respect
  • tenderness
  • love
  • humor

The Magic of the Earth Mother

Typically associated with the element of earth, the root and sacral chakras, and the colors of green and brown, the archetype of the earth mother is very grounded and stable. She’s the one you want around when you’re feeling scared and alone, when you’re sick, or when you need reassurance. You likely know at least one or two women that embody the earth mother archetype; these women are always prepared, and always looking out for the welfare of others. The earth mother archetype brings many lovely qualities, but she is also prone to burning out, as she tends to put everyone’s needs ahead of her own. 

About Archetypes

Deep within our collective subconscious lie certain patterns of belief and behavior. These patterns, or archetypes, are the universal symbols of our innate, unlearned human experience. Most of us carry a bit of all of them, and these archetypes may ebb and flow throughout our lives, offering unique wisdom that is useful for situations we find ourselves in. We also tend to advance through some of these archetypes as we age. It was Carl Jung who brought the concept of archetypes into the practice of psychology, offering that all of us travel through archetypal experiences in life, echoing the rhythm of the collective unconscious.

We have a beautiful eBook for you on the Earth Mother Archetype.



Can You Imagine a World Without our Unique Differences?

As women, we often find ourselves put into boxes by our culture. Other people may try to stuff us into certain stereotypes, more so than they might for a man.

One example of this is the classic “Madonna-whore complex,” which pits women into either being saintly and respectable, or sensual and fun. Many women find themselves caught in this false dichotomy, which can be disempowering, and fails to recognise the value and presence of all archetypes within each woman.

None of the feminine archetypes are “better” or “worse” than the others; each has their own power and their own strengths, which we can fully embody as we study them.

All women have a complex inner world, while also operating as a part of the overall feminine consciousness.

The Power of Knowing your Archetype

In Jungian psychology, there are 12 archetypes, and you can find many variations of these in other philosophies, including goddess mythology, ancient spirituality, and other practices.

In the Soulwoman Circles we study 12 archetypes as they pertain to the feminine experience. You will likely resonate with many of them, and be able to see them in other women too. We explore the following archetypes, get to understand what they have to teach us, and how to embody their energies in an empowering way:

  • Maiden

  • Lover

  • Queen

  • Muse

  • Warrior

  • Earth Mother

  • Wild Woman

  • Sage

  • Huntress

  • Healer

  • Priestess

  • Temptress


Each of these archetypes represents a certain aspect of the collective personality, and each archetype carries its own basic human motivations, its own set of values and desires, and its own weaknesses. When we can truly understand the inner workings of each archetype, we can finally come in tune with our own behaviors, and the underlying drives that we feel. When we can see each archetype for what it is, and identify their motivations, we can get some space from our own thoughts and anxieties. This offers clarity and peace, and a roadmap of sorts, showing us the way through our current situation.

It can be fun to play with archetypes too; you’ll notice them show up as characters on your favorite show, or in a book you’re reading. You’ll notice them in your friends and loved ones. And of course, you’ll notice them in yourself, as you explore your subconscious workings and find your unique path to personal power.

Remember that the earth mother archetype may be dominant in your personality, even if you do not have children, or even pets. We each express our inner caretaker in different ways. This archetype is merely about protecting what we love, creating new things, and nurturing our passions. The earth mother archetype can assist you with your self-care as well. You can work with the earth mother archetype when you’re in need of physical, mental, or spiritual sustenance.


For more information on your Archetype, remember to download the eBook! 

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Meet the Soulwoman Sistas!

Sisters by Chance, Best Friends by Choice...

Dr. Mia Rose is a registered psychologist in Australia and author of the prize-winning book, Awaken to Love. She is the founder of the Soulwoman Circles, and holds the Space of Transformation for women who yearn for connection in the warm embrace of a supportive sisterhood. 

Karen, Mia's biological sister, is the Creative Muse and Chief Cheerleader in the Soulwoman Circles. Her commitment is to support women to create a blissful, purposeful life for themselves by aligning with Self, Spirit and Mama Earth. 

Mia and Karen lead women in Circles and on sacred retreats worldwide to help them step into their own power and say YES to life.



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